I was recently asked about some introductory reading on agile requirements and working with agile at scale. This is the list of books, blog posts and a video I came up with. An absolutely fantastic 15 minute overview of the product owner role in scrum. (over 125.000 views for a film of scrum!) by Henrik… Continue reading Introductory Reading on Agile Requirements
Tag: Requirements
Using Kanban for Scrum Backlog Grooming
Keeping track of the backlog in a Scrum project is a challenge. It quickly grows to hundreds of items that are in various state of readiness for inclusion in a sprint. In my current project, we’ve setup a Kanban board to help managing the backlog and make our backlog grooming sessions efficient. I think that… Continue reading Using Kanban for Scrum Backlog Grooming
Programming is more Qualified than Ever
Business software has automated many routine tasks. Is there anyone still doing accounting manually? The automation is also applied to software development itself, removing routine tasks and leaving the hard tasks to solve manually. 15 years ago I was thinking of what a future career as a programmer would look like. I didn’t know much… Continue reading Programming is more Qualified than Ever
Developers held Accountable without Authority
With authority follows accountability. The other way around is also true. Anyone who’s held accountable has to have authority. Unfortunately it is far too common that developers are held accountable for a project, even though they don’t have any real authority. They typically are responsible for the delivery, but the authority stays on management level… Continue reading Developers held Accountable without Authority
Everything is the Top Number One Priority
Setting priorities is hard. When a customer is asked to number 10 items with priority 1-10 it often ends up with one 10, two 5s and seven number 1. That usually means that there is one item that isn’t worth doing at all (the number 10), two items that are nice-to-have (the number 5s) and… Continue reading Everything is the Top Number One Priority