I recently helped a team to switch SVN servers and found a few gotchas along the way. This is a short guide on what worked for me and some stuff I tried that didn’t. The reason for migrating to a new subversion server was that Atlassian shut down their hosted subversion service. The team had… Continue reading Changing SVN Servers
Tag: Source Control
Undo Checkout for Unchanged Items in TFS
The pending changes list of TFS is a lie. It shows all files checked out for edit, not those with actual changes. A TFS power tools command can save the day. A key factor of successful source control usage is to always review pending changes before check in. Without reviewing the pending changes it is… Continue reading Undo Checkout for Unchanged Items in TFS
The Pragmatic Programmer sets the Bar
The Pragmatic Programmer has a given place in my list of must read books for professional developers. The subtitle “from journeyman to master” explains the contents very well. The book is made up of short chapters with concrete advice on how to become a master software developer. The 70 numbered tips are short and look… Continue reading The Pragmatic Programmer sets the Bar
Comments are not Version Control
In really old legacy code it is common to find comment blocks with complete revision history of each function and old, inactive code that has been commented out. It was fine 20 years ago, when version control systems where not wide spread. Today it’s a code smell. An old legacy system I used to work… Continue reading Comments are not Version Control
Using Source Control? Really?
Do you really use Source Control? I’m not talking merely about having some code in a version control system. I’m talking about using source control as an efficient tool in your daily work. As a huge fan of the Joel Test I’ve put together my own 6 point test of source control usage: The Anders… Continue reading Using Source Control? Really?