We continue to improve the Kentor.AuthServices SAML2 Service Provider for ASP.NET with the release of version 0.8.0. With this release the entire configuration system has been rebuilt, to enable configuration from other sources than the config file. This is good news for anyone thinking of integrating Kentor AuthServices in an application where configuration is offered… Continue reading Kentor.AuthServices 0.8.0 SAML2 for ASP.NET Released
Category: Web
Beware of Uri.ToString()
When working with urls, it’s sometimes better to use the Uri class than to keep the Uri in a simple string. The Uri class helps validate that the format is a valid Uri and helps splitting out the parts of the Uri in a safe manner. But there is a big gotcha in that Uri.ToString()… Continue reading Beware of Uri.ToString()
Kentor.AuthServices 0.7.2 SAML2 for ASP.NET Released
Last week we released version 0.7.2 of the Kentor.AuthServices SAML2 Service Provider for ASP.NET. With this release and the 0.6.0 the week before (that I never blogged about) we’ve introduced some new features to better support SAML2 in federation setups. The first is that we now can load and parse federation metadata. No more manual… Continue reading Kentor.AuthServices 0.7.2 SAML2 for ASP.NET Released
Kentor.AuthServices SAML2 Owin Middleware Released
I just pushed the first version of our Owin SAML2 middleware to nuget and github as part of Kentor.AuthServices 0.5.2. Kentor.AuthServices is a SAML2 Service Provider implementation for ASP.NET, offering an HTTP Module, drop in MVC controllers and (now) an Owin middleware. The intention with the library is to approach SAML2 from a .NET perspective,… Continue reading Kentor.AuthServices SAML2 Owin Middleware Released
Open Testing SAML Idp Answers to any AuthnRequest
The open SAML2 testing (or stub) Identity Provider (Idp) at http://stubidp.kentor.se has been improved and now answers any incoming AuthnRequests. The answer will automatically be sent to the Assertion Consumer Service URL contained in the AuthnRequest. When working with applications using SAML2 authenticaiton we’ve found that handling authentication for the test and development environments is… Continue reading Open Testing SAML Idp Answers to any AuthnRequest