Why Enabling SHA256 Support for XML Signatures Breaks JWT Signing

For some times there’s been bug reports to Kentor.AuthServices, IdentityServer3 and System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt about enabling SHA256 XML signature support sometimes breaks JWT signing. It fails with an error of System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: Invalid algorithm specified. This has been one of those annoying bugs where everyone’s solution works perfectly by itself, but combined they fail. I closed this issue… Continue reading Why Enabling SHA256 Support for XML Signatures Breaks JWT Signing

Kentor.AuthServices 0.18.1 Breaking Changes

Today we released Kentor.AuthServices 0.18.1. It contains a number of bug fixes, but also a couple of breaking changes to a mostly internal API and logout handling. You are affected if… you build a HttpRequestData yourself, instead of using a build in ToHttpRequestData() extension method. you are using Single Logout and… you have a ClaimsAuthenticationManager… Continue reading Kentor.AuthServices 0.18.1 Breaking Changes

Code Coverage on GitHub PRs with Coveralls.IO

With Coveralls.IO it’s possible to get code coverage on all pull requests submitted. For Kentor.AuthServices I’ve set up AppVeyor builds that uses Coveralls.Net to upload coverage numbers to Coveralls.IO. Why Coveralls.IO? When I set up the code coverage I already had AppVeyor builds running. I wanted something that worked together with AppVeyor. I tried out… Continue reading Code Coverage on GitHub PRs with Coveralls.IO

Breaking Changes to SignedXml in MS16-035

Earlier this month, Microsoft released MS16-035 that addresses issues I previously reported in SignedXml. They did not only fix the duplicate Id vulnerability I reported though, they also fixed a number of other issues – introducing some breaking changes. This post is an effort to document those and changes and the registry switches that can… Continue reading Breaking Changes to SignedXml in MS16-035